Nike Football ~ #Gameover IG Campaign

creative concept ~ art direction ~ writing ~ creative direction

Under Nike's 'End it with precision' campaign, promoting three new boots - there was a requirement to a create visually compelling and real-time campaign. And #Gameover was born, athletes were to be presented in a video game world as winning players produced game killing moments during a match. So, If a player scored a hat-trick in a big game, produced a last minute winner or the pass that unlocked a defence, Nike Football would post on IG a  video of that athlete seconds later, connecting their on the pitch moments with fans off it.

Working with a small team, we created gaming profiles for 16 athletes across Europe. Then mapped out their on and off-pitch moments throughout the year. Filming content that would be posted pre-game and post, reacting events in the football world in real-time.
We produced highly engaging content around contextual moments, as the campaign ran for a season in the Men's and Women's game.

So when Cristiano Ronaldo did this
in the Champions league...

When Manchester United faced PSG in the first leg of the Champions league, young superstars Marcus Rashford and Kylian Mbappe faced off, with Mbappe getting the better of the two scoring the winner. We posted pre-game content, and after his PSG team won, we posted further content to add to the real-time campaign.
Declaring Mbappe the winner.

We posted this on IG
moments after the final whistle...

And two weeks later when Rashford got his revenge and knocked PSG out of the Champions League with a last minute winner, it was very satisfying to post this video...