EA SPORTS FIFA tells the story of a young first generation Muslim-Algerian experience in the city of Lyon, during the holy month of Ramadan.

creative director - writer - head of design - strategy

From the community support and camaraderie, to the passion and love for football, we see our protagonist Medhi Rahmani through his final day of Ramadan with family and friends in the build up to Eid-ul-Fitr. Praying shoulder to shoulder off the pitch and playing shoulder to shoulder on it.

It’s a story of Ramadan, Togetherness & Football.

Shot in various locations across Lyon, we take a strong focus on the suburbs of Mermoz, a spirited and dominant North African immigrant town, where we see those locals respect and acknowledge the shift in pattern and behaviours during Ramadan. The story is a celebration for those in the community and an education for those outside it.